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Medical Requirements

Allyson Rovetto M.D., school medical adviser, has issued the following directives for all students new to the Naugatuck Public Schools for the school year 2023-2024.

Before Enrollment

All children entering Naugatuck schools for the first time must show written evidence of the following:

  1. State Immunization Requirements
  2. Submission of current physical examination. For pre-k, must be on pre-k (yellow) form and for K-12, must be on the (blue) Connecticut Health Assessment Record.
  3. A tuberculin screening and a test for blood lead levels are recommended.
  4. Any new requirements will be given to you at the time of registration. For students originally from high-risk countries who are entering school in Connecticut for the first time regardless of BCG  immunization, it will be required that a PPD be placed and read before registration can be completed. Quantiferon Blood Test may be done in lieu of PPD. Students with a history of positive PPD without documentation of the full completed course of INH, or if INH therapy was not administered, will need to present a negative CXR before enrollment.

For students originally from high risk countries who are entering school in Connecticut for the first time regardless of BCG immunization, it will be required that a PPD be placed and read before registration can be completed. Students with a history of positive PPD without documentation of the full completed course of INH, or if INH therapy was not administered, will need to present a negative CXR before enrollment. 

After Enrollment

Once children are enrolled in the Naugatuck schools, they must show written evidence of the following:

  1.  A physical examination in the 6th and 10th grades before entry into 7th and 11th grades.  
  2. 1 dose of meningococcal vaccine before grades 7-12.
  3. We recommend that students in the Intermediate vocational Program have a physical examination during their 18th year if they are continuing their education with us.
  4. At each mandated examination, the health practitioner will assess the risk of exposure to tuberculosis.  If the child has been determined to be at high risk, the child needs to be tested. If PPD or IGRA is positive, a CXR must be done and results and plan of care be presented to the school nurse before the student may return to school.

We adhere to the following medical advice and  Dr. Rovetto’s orders for exclusion for the protection of all:

  1. Children who have signs of communicable diseases should not be sent to examples: fever undiagnosed rash, active GI symptoms)
  2. Parents should notify the school when their child is ill. MD note is required for return if dismissed with flu/Corona symptoms or other symptoms per the below guide.  Children with a fever of 100.0 degrees or more should be excluded from school until fever-free for 24 hours without using anti-fever medication.

Diseases that require exclusion


Other Children from family in school



Until glands are normal.

Fourteen days after the rash appears.

No exclusion

Consult family physician

German Measles

Chicken Pox

one week.

Until no new crops appear; at least 10 days.

No exclusion

No exclusion

Whooping cough


During active spasmodic stage; at least 2 weeks.

Until thoroughly cure or at the discretion of school nurse.

Two weeks from exposure

No exclusion

Scabies & Ringworm

Until after treatment. MD note to return.

No exclusion

Pink Eye

Until thoroughly cured; must have 24 hours of antibiotics. MD note to return.

No exclusion


Until no new crops; MD note to return.

No exclusion

Thank you for your help in observing these regulations and guidelines.  If you have any questions, please contact your school nurse.

Allyson Rovetto M.D./ ds rn