Arrival Times
The earliest students can be dropped off at school is 8:40 AM. After 8:45 AM, students should go directly to classrooms or to the cafeteria if purchasing breakfast.
Our school day begins promptly at 8:55 AM, so please try to be on time!
Tardy students must be brought to the office and signed in prior to going to class. A secretary will notify the classroom teacher prior to sending the child to the classroom to ensure his/her safe arrival.
Dismissal Info
Parents/Guardians are asked to send in a note when students’ dismissal plans differ from their usual plan. If something unexpected comes up during the school day and you must pick up your child or he/she must take a different bus home, please notify the office no later than 2 p.m. There are no pick ups from the office after 3 p.m. (12:30 p.m. on an early dismissal day). All student pick ups are from the cafeteria each day at approximately 3:20 p.m.
Those picking up students must sign out each day and show a photo ID. Please note that we do not keep dismissal information from prior years – each year is a new year to us and we ask that parents/guardians send in notes for the first couple of weeks of school regarding dismissals for all students who are not taking their regular bus to their home. It takes at least two weeks for us to sort through the yellow transportation cards, so notes regarding dismissal changes are very important to us! Students will NOT be dismissed to emergency contacts by the office unless we have a parent/guardian phone call or note. Only if there is a true emergency and we cannot reach parent/guardian, will we notify the emergency contact.
Reporting an Absence/Tardy
Parents/Guardians are asked to call the school each morning to report that a child is absent or tardy.
Please note new State Regulations - Connecticut State Law holds parents or guardians responsible for students attending school regularly during the hours and times that school is in session and it holds schools responsible for reporting this information to the district and state. In addition, Connecticut State Statute 10-220, Section C, holds schools responsible for reporting this information to the district and state. Current law defines truant as a student who has four unexcused absences in a month or ten unexcused absences in a school year. Please note, that a child’s first nine absences can be excused by a parent/guardian phone call; however all absences beyond absence number nine requires official written documentation ( i.e. doctor’s note, court papers…) in order to be excused.
All persons entering the school MUST sign the appropriate page in the binder in the office. Badges will be provided. If interested in volunteering, you must complete a Volunteer Application and sign a Confidentiality Agreement.
Handicapped Parking / Circle Parking /Fire Lane
Please do not park in Handicapped parking spaces if you do not have a handicapped parking sign/license plate. Please do not drive in the circle or park in the Fire Lane.